SHARK FREE SIGN UPCOSMETICS AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Fields marked with * are required I have read the criteria for Shark Free in cosmetics and personal care products and hereby certify that our company meets the standards to apply. YesNo [group criteria-msg] Please click here to view the Shark Free Criteria. If you qualify for Shark Free Certification, please click the Yes box above. If you would like support to qualify in the future, please contact us directly at [/group] DECLARATION OF SHARK FREE COMPLIANCE Choose one option below: Select which declaration of Shark Free compliance applies to your company Our Company is applying for Shark Free Status; Our company does not use or sell Squalene/Squalane derived from any source in its products.Our Company is applying for Shark Free Status; Our company only uses or sells Squalene/Squalane derived from a non-shark source in the production or sale of any Cosmetic and/or Personal Care Product(s). [group compliance] SHARK FREE PRODUCT COMPLIANCE Please select which option best describes your supply chain monitoring system Our Company has obtained written confirmation from each of its third party manufacturers and suppliers that any Squalene/ Squalane supplied to the Company as a raw material and/or finished product(s) is Shark Free.Our Company currently specifies to its suppliers and manufacturers that Squalene/Squalane ingredients and/or finished products or raw materials supplied to the Company must be derived from a vegetable or synthetic non-shark source. [/group] Company representative (submitter's information): Your company's information: Your company's information: Company Telephone: I wish to be certified as a Shark Free member. By signing up, you agree to use your logo and name on our website and in Shark Free promotional materials. Please upload a company logo or image. OPTIONAL: Please provide us with a brief description of your company’s mission, value statement, or why this initiative is important for you (up to 25 words). Company Representative (Authorized to sign on behalf of company) Submit By submitting you agree to our terms of use and privacy policy.